Tuesday, 2 September 2008
UT Southwestern Researchers Find Antidepressants Need New Nerve Cells To Be Effective
In gain, the researchers found that antidepressants and exercise consumption the same biochemical footpath to exert their effects.
These results power help explain some unknown mechanisms of antidepressants and provide a new guidance for developing drugs to treat depression, said Dr. Luis Parada, chairman of developmental biology and aged author of a study in the Aug. 14 issue of the journal Neuron.
In animals, it was already known that long-term treatment with antidepressants causes new mettle cells to be generated in a part of the nous called the dentate gyrus. Exercise, which can likewise relieve the symptoms of depression, stimulates the generation of new nerve cells in the same area.
"We would never claim that what we study in mice directly relates to how antidepressants work in humans, but there are interesting features in parallel of latitude," Dr. Parada said. "The study unifies different observations that point to the brain's dentate gyrus region and to creation of nerve cells as existence important in depression."
Antidepressants dissemble very quickly to increase levels of natural compounds, called neurotransmitters, which face cells use to communicate. It takes several weeks to several months, still, for the patients wHO respond to such treatments to feel less down. Dr. Parada said this implies that some other long-term mechanism is likewise at work.
The current study was intentional to screen several phenomena that have long been observed in animal studies but have not been studied together to see if they are linked, Dr. Parada said.
The researchers focused on a speck called TrkB, or Track-B, which is found on the open of mettle cells and responds to several growth factors to cause new nerves to grow in the dentate gyrus.
They genetically engineered mice to deficiency TrkB specifically in the stem cells that give rise to new neurons, then gave them antidepressants for several weeks or allowed them to run on wheels. When the mice were tested for depressive demeanor, the tests revealed that neither the antidepressants nor the physical exertion had helped them, and the animals also had not full-grown new nerve cells in the dentate gyrus.
"At least in mice, this termination directly links antidepressants and voluntary employment with TrkB-mediated creation of nerve cells," Dr. Parada said.
The results also showed that antidepressants required TrkB to brace the ontogenesis of new nerve cells.
Matching the timeframe for medicated patients to feel less depressed, it takes several weeks for new mettle cells to grow, Dr. Parada aforementioned. This parallel of latitude effect, he said, may mean that antidepressants need to brace growth of new cells in the dentate convolution in order to reach their good effect.
"We can get biochemical, physiological, behavioural and anatomic results in animal models," Dr. Parada said. "These all resonate with the human condition, so possibly you have a physiologic relevancy.
"There could be a way to stimulate growth of nerve cells to fight depression, for example."
Other UT Southwestern researchers tortuous in the study were lead author Yun Li, graduate scholar in developmental biology; Bryan Luikart, old graduate pupil in developmental biology; Dr. Shari Birnbaum, assistant prof of psychiatry; Jian Chen, student research assistant in developmental biology; Dr. Chang-Hyuk Kwon, instructor of developmental biology; Dr. Steven Kernie, associate prof of pedology; and Dr. Rhonda Bassel-Duby, associate prof of molecular biology.
The work out was supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Visit hTTP://www.utsouthwestern.org/neurosciences to learn more about UT Southwestern's clinical services in neurosciences.
Dr. Luis Parada -- http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/professional/0,2356,15510,00.html
Source: Aline McKenzie
UT Southwestern Medical Center
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Saturday, 23 August 2008
Mastamindz on front lines of rap
Some bands postpone gigs and rehearsals if their lead singer is fight a cold.
When Mastamindz can�t get together, it�s because their frontman is fight insurgents in Iraq.
Since the Rhode Island rap-hardcore rock candy band, which plays Harpers Ferry in Allston tomorrow, first formed in 2000, vocalist M-1 has worn out more than two days away from home. His last deployment was a 15-month tour in Iraq that all over last January.
�Soon after we started the band I had to go away to boot camp, so we�ve been through this all before,� M-1, a sergeant in the Rhode Island Army National Guard, said by telephone set from a base in East Greenwich. �They too know that I�m scheduled to go to Afghanistan in 2009, so we�ll be passing through it all over again.�
Though demanding, M-1�s military obligations receive never compromised the Mastamindz mission. When he�s overseas, his rhythm section - who go by Tim, Don and Russ - do more than just pen letters.
�The band was sending me beats the whole sentence so I could write lyrics,� M-1 aforesaid. �Being aside definitely makes me more serious. Whenever I get along back we have no problem knocking albums out.�
The latest Mastamindz recording, �Product of Your Environment,� was released last month. The group is also featured on the new Psychopathic Records compilation �Tunnel Runners,� which showcases the cult band Insane Clown Posse�s 14 favourite underground up-and-comers.
In addition to the goodly fan bag Mastamindz has at nursing home in Rhode Island - as well as the 7,000 people they entertain every year at Insane Clown Posse�s annual Gathering of the Juggalos - M-1 has found a large, mostly untapped demographic through and through his military service.
�I had Mastamindz CDs and DVDs sent to me the whole time I was there, and I was giving them to Iraqi kids world Health Organization would never hear us otherwise,� said M-1, who too answers to Matt Moreau. �I likewise sent U.S. soldiers from across the country habitation with resign CDs. That�s how we got so big nationwide.�
As a loyal gesture, M-1 welcomes all past and present military personnel to attend Mastamindz shows relinquish of bill. That said, don�t require him to drop militant neo-con banter on the crowd. M-1 stays more or less apolitical, in the main rhyming about social inequities, partying and growing up poor in Rhode Island.
�It�s not always in my music, simply I did live though this war, so I have opinions on it,� aforesaid M-1, world Health Organization wears a Pat Tillman football jersey onstage in honor of the NFL player killed by friendly fire piece serving in Afghanistan.
�War is bad, simply we�re soldiers who sign-language up to do that job,� he aforesaid. �I value that people care about us dying, but I want them to understand that the military is doing a good thing over there. Come on, we�ve always grown up knowing that the Middle East was a (messed up) place.�
Mastamindz, with Rehab, at Harpers Ferry, Allston, tomorrow. Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 day of show; 800-594-8499.
On A Mission: Vocalist M-1, center, with his Mastamindz mates, volition be deployed to Afghanistan next year.
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Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Green Arrow Plans Jail Break With Help From Joker, Lex Luthor In Upcoming Film
He's a DC Comics hero with nearly 70 years of backstory and mythology, a modern-day Robin Hood world Health Organization uses every tool in his armory to competitiveness for the little guys of Star City, just in the pantheon of great mirthful characters, Oliver Queen (a.k.a. the Green Arrow) ain't exactly the most well-known mask around.
Heck, he won't even be the most well known in his own picture show, scribe Justin Marks told MTV News.
"Oh, we've got Lex Luthor in at that place," Marks joyfully revealed. "I'm pretty sure Riddler gets his crack � Ed Nigma gets his moment."
Tentatively titled "Green Arrow: Escape From Super Max," Marks' take on the titular titan is unlike whatsoever superhero pic out thither in that it takes the familiar tropes of comic book films and mixes them with the long-established traditions of prison movies. In the plastic film, Queen is unjustly locked up in a federal penitentiary for meta-humans and forced to rely on a whole bevy of villains to make his escape � villains like Luthor, Icicle and regular the Joker.
(Want to know what they plan to do with Black Canary? Find knocked out over on the MTV Splash Page blog.)
But the best superhero of all in the Green Arrow prison moving-picture show? Would you believe it's the prison house itself?
"It's a very, very awesome prison. I majored in architecture in college, and design is how I actually started in. For 'Super Max,' design that prison, it had to be the kind of thing that was a reference in and of itself," Marks said. "We're in a world where instead of just now trying to contain a guy who's really big, you're trying to arrest a guy who toilet � in the casing of Icicle � world Health Organization can freeze things. What kind of a cell would a guy wish that indigence in order to have his powers neutralized? So to escape from Super Max they have got to go through the most elaborate heist we've ever seen, involving superpowers. Because the prison itself kind of has superpowers!"
It's a fitting tribute to a character that over the age has been more famed for his team-ups than for his individual adventures, Marks pointed out. Those team-ups admit characters like the Green Lantern in a legendary run in the '70s and Batman in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns."
You can't find a much punter character, so, if you're DC and your goal is to produce cross-pollinating superhero movies like Marvel has done with "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk."
"What we wanted to do, and I intend we'll continue to do as the studio continues to crowd the flick forward, is to be able to [put Queen] in the center of a much bigger existence," Marks aforesaid. "In the same direction that Marvel is starting to do, when you're in the [filmed] DC Universe [where] this world and this world and this populace � they all be in an interrelated network. It's the kind of thing that I think absolutely is about spelling out a couple different roads for a couple different characters."
That means Queen won't get a traditional origin story along the lines of Bruce Wayne or Peter Parker. But you wouldn't really want that at any rate, Marks asserted.
"By the time a pic like this comes out, we will all see origin stories. And mainstream audiences now are willing to suspend their incredulity to the point that we ass believe that a earth exists where superpowers exist and people dress up in costumes. So now what? Now what do we do? And I call this Superhero 2.0," Marks said. "We do parcel out with his origin � he's got a identical interesting beginning with a desert island and everything else � but we get to the heart and soul of Green Arrow non by screening where he starts just by push him into a tonality moment in his life where everything he has is missed, and he's got to earn it all back. I think for audiences it's sledding to be a great way to get to know a new character."
Queen himself is the "perfect hero" for this sort of reinvention, Marks aforesaid, as he's a B-level super without all the heavy baggage of Batman or Superman. More important, though, he's also a real guy, a mortal without whatever meta-human skills or weapons, a vigilante who gets by on nothing more than his preternatural intellect and guile. That already makes him less like the slaphappy Golden Age caricatures and more like the reinventions so many writers hold necessary these days.
"I see him as the Jason Bourne of superheroes, a guy world Health Organization exists with his have sort of set of tricks. And I think the departure between Ollie Queen and a guy like Bruce Wayne � they're both rich. They both have their things. But Batman is about his equipment and is about his theatricality and about his detective skills. And Green Arrow is a hombre who's truly just the sort of MacGyver type," Marks aforementioned. "In his hand, anything can be a weapon."
For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more � updated about the clock � call in MTVMoviesBlog.com.
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Wednesday, 6 August 2008
A Harvest A Shepherd A Bride

Artist: A Harvest A Shepherd A Bride

Village Music Of Bulgaria
Year: 1968
Tracks: 12
The Great Kat
Thursday, 26 June 2008
The Strokes

Artist: The Strokes

First Impressions of Earth
Year: 2006
Tracks: 14

Last Nite
Year: 2005
Tracks: 8

Room on Fire
Year: 2003
Tracks: 11

Alexandra Palace 5th December 2003 (Live)
Year: 2003
Tracks: 15

Live At The Wireless
Year: 2002
Tracks: 10

Live At Shibuya
Year: 2002
Tracks: 14

The Honkers
Tracks: 13

Is This It
Tracks: 11
Dj Coco Silco and Dj J.F. Bruno
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Pivot To Release O Soundtrack My Heart Album
Pivot - Warp's latest signing and new hopes - have confirmed a new album is on the way this Summer.
Already recorded and titled 'O Soundtrack My Heart', the Australian three-piece who take their influences from as wide afield as electronica, prog, punk, new-wave and improvisation, will release their second long-player on August 18th (UK date).
So far, just one single from the album has been issued here: last month's In The Blood, which will be joined by ten other songs you see before you:
In The Blood
O Soundtrack My Heart
Fool In Rain
Sing, You Sinners
Sweet Memory
Love Like I
Didn't I Furious
Nothing Hurts Machine
My Heart Like Marching Band
See Also
Monday, 9 June 2008
Nicole Richie - Richie Wins Motherhood Award
Socialite NICOLE RICHIE will be honoured with a parenting award - just five months into motherhood.
The Simple Life star - who gave birth to her first child, daughter Harlow, in January (08) - will receive a Golden Pacifier Award from Babytalk Magazine, according to its editor-in-chief Lisa Moran.
Moran tells America's OK! magazine, "Honouring Nicole Richie with a Babytalk Golden Pacifier Award might come as a surprise to some, but we felt that she deserved some recognition for her turnaround since becoming a mom.
"She's grown up a lot since the arrival of little Harlow, and her creation of the Richie-Madden Children's Foundation has demonstrated her efforts to set a good example by shining a spotlight on important issues affecting today's families."
Also to be recognised is former talk show host Ricki Lake for her 2008 documentary The Business of Being Born, which chronicles her home-birthing experience.
See Also
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Stephane Grappelli

Artist: Stephane Grappelli

Fine and Dandy
Year: 2002
Tracks: 15

It Might As Well Be Swing
Year: 1996
Tracks: 11

All Of Me
Year: 1988
Tracks: 10

Year: 1983
Tracks: 12

Plays Cole Porter
Year: 1976
Tracks: 12

Shades of Django
Year: 1975
Tracks: 13

Parisian Thoroughfare
Year: 1973
Tracks: 11

I Hear Music
Year: 1971
Tracks: 11

Afternoon in Paris
Year: 1971
Tracks: 10

Live at the Blue Note
Tracks: 6

Jazz Masters 11
Tracks: 14
One of the all-time great idle words violinists (ranking with Joe Venuti and Stuff Smith as one of the large trine of pre-bop), Stéphane Grappelli's longevity and systematically enthusiastic playing did a with child deal to establish the fiddle as a jazz instrument. He was in the beginning self-taught as both a fiddler and a pianist, although during 1924-28 he studied at the Paris Conservatoire. Grappelli played in pic theaters and dance bands earlier meeting guitar player Django Reinhardt in 1933. They hit it off musically from the begin tied though their lifestyles (Grappelli was sophisticated piece Django was a romany) were selfsame different. Together as Quintet of the Hot Club of France (comprised of violin, trey acoustic guitars and bass) during 1933-39 they produced a sensory series of recordings and performances. During a London troth in 1939, World War II skint out. Reinhardt headlong distinct to render to France just Grappelli stayed in England, effectively closing the grouping. The violinist soon teamed up with the young pianist George Shearing in a new band that worked steadily through the war. In 1946, Grappelli and Reinhardt had the first gear of several reunions although they ne'er worked together over again on a regular basis (despite many new recordings). Grappelli performed passim the fifties and '60s in clubs end-to-end Europe and, other than recordings with Duke Ellington (Violin Summit) and Joe Venuti, he remained reasonably isolated in the U.S. until he began regularly touring the world in the early '70s. Since so Grappelli has been a constant traveler and a consistent poll-winner, left very open-minded without altering his sweep style; he has recorded with David Grisman, Earl Hines, Bill Coleman, Larry Coryell, Oscar Peterson, Jean Luc Ponty and McCoy Tyner among many others. Active up until nigh the end, the more and more frail Grappelli remained at the top of his field regular when he was 89. His early recordings are all available on Classics CDs and he recorded quite extensively during his last trine decades.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Two films top the Oscars shortlist
'Atonement', 'Juno' and 'Michael Clayton' have also received numerous nominations.
As expected Wicklow resident Daniel Day-Lewis has been nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his performance in 'There Will Be Blood'.
The other nominees for Best Actor are: George Clooney ('Michael Clayton'), Johnny Depp ('Sweeney Todd'), Tommy Lee Jones ('In the Valley of Elah') and Viggo Mortensen ('Eastern Promises').
The Best Actress shortlist is: Cate Blanchett ('Elizabeth: The Golden Age'), Julie Christie ('Away from Her'), Marion Cotillard ('La Vie en Rose'), Laura Linney ('The Savages') and Ellen Page ('Juno').
The nominees for Best Supporting Actor are: Casey Affleck ('The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford'), Javier Bardem ('No Country for Old Men'), Philip Seymour Hoffman ('Charlie Wilson's War'), Hal Holbrook ('Into the Wild') and Tom Wilkinson ('Michael Clayton').
Along with Irish teenager Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett ('I'm Not There'), Ruby Dee ('American Gangster'), Amy Ryan ('Gone Baby Gone') and Tilda Swinton ('Michael Clayton') have been nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category.
Shortlisted for Best Director are: Julian Schnabel ('The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'), Jason Reitman ('Juno'), Tony Gilroy ('Michael Clayton'), Joel and Ethan Coen ('No Country for Old Men') and Paul Thomas Anderson ('There Will Be Blood').
The films nominated for Best Picture are: 'Atonement', 'Michael Clayton', 'No Country for Old Men', 'There Will Be Blood' and 'Juno'.
The five films nominated for Best Foreign Film are: 'The Counterfeiters' (Austria), 'Beaufort' (Israel), 'Katyn' (Poland), 'Mongol' (Kazakhstan) and '12' (Russia).
The nominees for Best Documentary Feature are: 'No End in Sight', 'Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience', 'Sicko', 'Taxi to the Dark Side' and 'War/Dance'.
The nominees for Best Animated Film are: 'Persepolis', 'Ratatouille' and 'Surf's Up'.
The nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay are: Christopher Hampton ('Atonement'), Sarah Polley ('Away from Her'), Ronald Harwood ('The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'), Joel and Ethan Coen ('No Country for Old Men') and Paul Thomas Anderson ('There Will Be Blood').
The nominees for Best Original Screenplay are: Diablo Cody ('Juno'), Nancy Oliver ('Lars and the Real Girl'), Tony Gilroy ('Michael Clayton'), Jan Pinkava, Jim Capobianco and Brad Bird ('Ratatouille') and Tamara Jenkins ('The Savages').
For more on the Oscar nominations, click here and here.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Cowell to produce Potts Hollywood film
Cowell to produce Potts Hollywood film
The storey of Britain's Got Talent victor Apostle Paul Potts is to be made into a Hollywood plastic film produced by Simon Cowell.
The former Carphone Warehouse salesman became the unlikely star of the TV talent evince with his performance of opera classic 'Nessun Dorma'.
His tale is to get the large screen intervention after Paramount Pictures snapped up the rights to his narrative, according to Variety magazine.
In response to the plastic film news Cowell said: "This caller got that it's another Baton Elliot, a news report anyone in the world tin interpret."
Talking about Potts Britain's Got Talent storey he said: "This was his last chance and he literally decided to come in based on the cast away of a coin. And scorn his success off the indorse of the show, the only difference of opinion I take care in him is that he got his dentition fixed."
The 37-year-old Welsh singer has sold deuce-ace million copies of his debut album 'One Chance'.
Nina Simone
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Steve and John Hackett

Artist: Steve and John Hackett

Sketches Of Satie
Year: 2000
Tracks: 20
Winehouse summoned by Norwegian court
Winehouse summoned by Norwegian court
Amy Winehouse has been ordered to seem in judicature in Norge later on she appealed her oK for marijuana possession.
Billboard.com is reporting that the 24-year-old singer-songwriter has been summoned to appear in margaret Court in Bergen on 29 Feb.
"I toilet confirm that she must appear in court," Bergen police spokeswoman Liv Karlsen said.
"If single appeals a strong belief, it's the rule that one has to appear in person, so this is non surprising."
Winehouse and her married man Blake Fielder-Civil were arrested in Bergen on 18 October and detained overnight on charges of illegal dose possession. They were both released the next clarence Day subsequently for each one paying a finely of $715.
Winehouse later claimed she had been tricked into signing the charges and did not experience what she had set her signature to. Law read they are sure she knew, and that fluent English speakers helped her.
The singer's attorney has said that a strong belief and a oK could legal injury her career by making it to a greater extent difficult for her to enter the US.
James Bond to wed in Quantum Of Solace?
James Bond to wed in Quantum Of Solace?
British people actress Gemma Arterton has hinted that James Bond paper may tie the knot in the forthcoming 007 film.
The 22-year-old headliner told a US TV newsperson that she and Daniel Craig had been shot scenes in a honeymoon suite for the plastic film, which is titled 'Quantum of Solace'.
The surprised journalist asked: "Honeymoon suite?", suggestion Arterton to response: "I think I've said too much."
The actress, wHO can buoy currently be seen in 'St Trinian's', plays an MI6 agent workings at the British consulate in Bolivia in the freshly Bond film.
Bail has previously been married on screen. In the 1969 flick 'On Her Majesty's Service', George IV Lazenby's Chemical bond married Tracy Draco (Princess of Wales Rigg). However, she was murdered in a drive-by shooting on their wedding day.
See our James Adhesiveness photocall gallery here.
Chance to Win My Boy Elvis Tickets
Chance to Win My Boy Elvis Tickets
THIS Rivalry IS Now CLOSED - A list of winners will be posted here presently.
We have double tickets for 'My Boy Loony toons - The Musical' at the Olympia Theater on William Ashley Sunday 24 February to throw away.
The musical comedy stars Liam Tater, world Health Organization won 'The World's Finest Battery-acid Impersonator' rival in the US in 2006, Alan Curran as Colonel Tomcat Parker and 13-year-old Craig Little Mo Connolly as the young Loony toons.
The chronicle finds The King and his manager in the afterlife, reflecting and reminiscing about their lives and how things could get been different.
Written, directed and produced by George Twamley, the production features such classics as 'Hound Dog', 'Tutti Frutti', 'The Wonder of You', 'Suspicious Minds', 'An American English Trilogy' and 'Burning Love'.
To be in with a luck of winning tickets, answer the followers question: What was the call of Elvis' manager?
Send your answer, name, address and telephone number marked 'My Boy Dose Comp' to entertainmentonline@rte.ie by Thursday 21 Feb at 12pm. One entry per person. Booty is shew tickets only.
The full tour dates for 'My Male child Elvis' ar:Dublin - Capital of Washington Theater, William Ashley Sunday 24 February Castlebar - Royal Theater, Saturday 8 March Belfast - The Waterfront, Friday 18 April Killarney - The INEC, Saturday 12 July